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November 27, 2023

American Cancer Society: Project Showcase‍

The American Cancer Society (ACS) is gearing up for a Quadratic Funding (QF) round, with $75,000 in matching funds. ACS on Grants Stack Project Showcase: supercharging innovation grants in a democratized & transparent way.

The American Cancer Society (ACS) is gearing up for a Quadratic Funding (QF) round, with $75,000 in matching funds. Gitcoin Grants Stack Project Showcase: supercharging innovation grants in a democratized & transparent way.

From Nov 28 to Dec 12, the ACS QF round will support multiple programs including patient support programs, health equity, cancer screening and cancer research, aiming to bring DAO-driven grant allocation to the NGO sector.


Explore the projects below, each addressing critical aspects of patient care, health equity, cancer screening and cancer research.

American Cancer Society Patient Lodging Programs

“Hope Lodge is more than just a room, more than just a space for me to stay. It was, and it still is, a relief to my heart and to my soul.” – Hilda cancer survivor

  • At over 30 locations across the United States, our Hope Lodge® program offers a home away from home for people facing cancer and their families when treatment is far away.
  • Hope Lodge® serves over 29,000 patients and caregivers each year, saving more than $55 million in lodging costs. 

Getting the best care sometimes means cancer patients must travel away from home. This can place an extra emotional and financial burden on patients and caregivers during an already challenging time. The American Cancer Society is trying to make this difficult situation easier for both cancer patients and their families through our lodging programs.

Hope Lodge® Communities

American Cancer Society Hope Lodge® communities offer a free home away from home for people facing cancer and their caregivers when cancer treatment is far away. At the 30+ Hope Lodge locations throughout the United States and Puerto Rico, ACS provides free lodging to more than 29,000 cancer patients and caregivers each year, saving them more than $55 million in lodging costs.

Health Equity Initiatives Reducing Barriers to Care

Cancer is a disease that can affect anyone, but it doesn’t affect everyone equally. Many barriers can impact a person's ability to prevent, find, treat, and survive cancer. 

Diversity, equity, and inclusion is critical to achieving our vision of ending cancer as we know it, for everyone. All people deserve a fair and just opportunity to  live longer, healthier lives;

ACS and ACS CAN are deepening our efforts to intentionally advance health equity through advocacy, discovery, and patient support.  

  • Working to advance policies that break down existing barriers, from ensuring greater diversity among clinical trial participants to improving access to quality, affordable health care, through the American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network by 
  • Invest $16 million in grants to historically black colleges and universities (HBCUs) to diversify the future workforce. 
  • Working to identify and understand issues related to cancer disparities and advancing health equity by conducting equity-focused research, as well as funding researchers through extramural grants. 
  • Working to diversify the research workforce through our Diversity in Cancer Research and ResearcHERS programs.
  • Contributed to more than 1.3 million low to no-cost breast, cervical or colorectal cancer screenings in local communities since 2011. 
  • Partner with  national Black organizations to spread awareness about cancer risk, prevention, and early detection in the Black community.  
  • Partner with the Health Equity Ambassador Link (HEAL) program to address cancer disparities by developing capacity to educate, mobilize, and engage African American communities in cancer risk reduction 

Cancer screening saves lives

I tell people all the time, "I get screened because I plan to have grandchildren, and I wanna be around for my kids and their kids."​ - James, prostate cancer survivor.

  • Cancer screening public awareness campaign reaches millions of people each year
  • ACS develops and publishes screening guidelines
  • Grants to health system partners help reduce barriers to cancer screenings

The American Cancer Society leads efforts across the nation to increase cancer screening rates because we know that finding cancer early increases survival rates. We develop and publish cancer screening guidelines to give people the best chance to survive a diagnosis.

Through donor and regional support, the American Cancer Society provided $1.5 million in grant funding in 2022 to 76 health system partners to bolster their efforts and further help reduce barriers to accessing cancer screening, resulting in 362,400 breast, cervical, colorectal, and lung cancer screening completed.

Twelve US state coalitions or roundtables were funded to develop cancer awareness campaigns in 2022. We advocate at the federal and state level for protection for increased funding for breast and cervical cancer screening.

Our cancer screening public awareness campaign reaches millions of people each year, providing information and helping people find a screening location in their communities.

We fund health equity grants and screening programs to help reduce disparities in cancer care among communities of color. Our CHANGE grant program has contributed to more than 1.3 million low to no-cost breast, cervical or colorectal cancer screenings in local communities since 2011.


Helping people with cancer and their caregivers navigate the cancer journey with confidence.

  • Free non-clinical patient navigation mobile app
  • One-stop resource providing support for people with cancer and their caregivers
  • Helping people take the guesswork out of navigating the cancer journey 

“ACS CARES is a resource available to everyone to help promote health equity and reduce disparities to make sure historically underserved communities and populations are getting access to the resources and care they need. This is about people feeling engaged and being a part of their improved outcome story.” - Dr. Arif Kamal, chief patient officer at ACS. 

If you or someone you love has been diagnosed with cancer, deciding what's next can be overwhelming. The American Cancer Society can help with ACS CARESTM (Community Access to Resources, Education, and Support), a new patient navigation support program that connects people with quality curated information and one-on- one support.

With ACS CARESTM, you can:

• Access personalized, quality cancer-related information that updates as you age, your situation changes, or new information becomes available.
• Connect one-on-one with trained ACS volunteers who match your shared cancer lived experiences including diagnosis, location, military status, race, ethnicity, and others.
• Get reliable information on how to address important topics such as emotional health, finances, transportation, dependent support and more.
• Speak to American Cancer Society cancer information specialists when you have questions day or night, 365 days a year.

Pioneering Cancer Research and Education

  • The research we fund contributes to breakthroughs that help find more effective treatments for cancer.
  • Our research leads to treatments that help save lives.
  • Research leads to progress in the fight against cancer. By continuing this crucial work, we will make an even bigger impact on the cancer burden and save even more lives.

We launch innovative, high-impact research to find more – and better – treatments, uncover factors that may cause cancer, and improve the quality of life for people facing cancer. We are committed to reducing health disparities by conducting internal research and funding grants aimed at fostering a more diverse cancer care and research workforce, as well as addressing inequities that exist in cancer prevention, treatment, and care.

At a glance, the American Cancer Society  is driving research breakthroughs in cancer prevention, detection, treatment, and survivorship.

  • $3 billion invested since 1991, contributing to 3.8 million fewer cancer deaths.
  • $430 million currently invested in 630+ active grants.
  • Largest nonprofit funder within the United States, investing $5 billion over 75 years.
  • Our Cancer Facts & Figures reports are the most widely cited sources for cancer data in the world.

Below are ways we are making progress in the fight against cancer. By continuing this crucial work, we will make an even bigger impact on the cancer burden and save even more lives. 

Cancer Crisis Response Fund

  • The American Cancer Society’s Cancer Crisis Response Fund aids people with cancer, caregivers and health care professionals during times of crisis.
  • Supporting the Cancer Crisis Response Fund will expand our ability to create and deliver quality resources, information and support both domestically and internationally. 

The American Cancer Society’s Cancer Crisis Response Fund aids people with cancer, caregivers and health care professionals during times of crisis.

We are building capacity across our National Cancer Information Center and Clinician Volunteer Corps to respond to crises involving populations of any background and origin, reflecting our long-term, equity focused vision of a world where everyone has access to care. We are also creating and delivering quality resources, information and support both domestically and internationally.

With your support, we can fulfill our commitment to this work – saving lives that otherwise might be lost to cancer, diminishing suffering and reducing the global threat of the disease.

Grants Stack powers meaningful impact with the ACS

“We are honored to collaborate with the ACS to make a positive impact in healthcare, by making web3 grants funding and management simple and accessible.” – Meg, Grants Stack Product Lead

The American Cancer Society  is a leading cancer-fighting organization with a vision to end cancer as we know it, for everyone. Grants Stack provides a reliable, streamlined approach to web3 grants funding that can support the ACS mission and vision.

Donate to this groundbreaking round today.

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