The Fantom Foundation is leveraging Gitcoin’s grants protocol for an initial round allocating 125,000 FTM to projects building within the Fantom ecosystem. Through the partnership, Fantom builders will be able to use the protocol to secure matched funding that helps sustain and grow their projects.
The Fantom Foundation is leveraging Gitcoin’s grants protocol for an initial round allocating 125,000 FTM to projects building within the Fantom ecosystem. Through the partnership, Fantom builders will be able to use the protocol to secure matched funding that helps sustain and grow their projects.
To learn how to donate, visit Grants Explorer Guide. Please note: the option to donate for individual rounds activates once the round goes live, and only stays open for the duration of the round period. In other words, you can only donate in the window of the round, and not outside of it. Join Gitcoin Alpha Rounds Announcement (for donors) so you don't miss any updates relevant to your participation.
To donate to the Fantom round (running Dec 12 - Jan 2), visit this link.
Over the years the Gitcoin team has been refining what it means to create software which can help fund the open web. Through all the ups and downs, building a permissionless and decentralized funding system is certainly no easy feat. Now, we’re looking to help other builders build on our success by raising and allocating funds within their own communities.
We’re entering an Alpha Test Season where we run early design rounds to test grants protocol as part of our transition from our centralized grants platform. Starting with the Fantom community, Gitcoin is building in public with a group of design partners to test a new suite of tools and services that aims to power the next wave of community driven initiatives. These include grants protocol, a fund allocation and distribution protocol currently in closed beta that helps communities fund projects within their ecosystem in a transparent way.
With the Fantom Incentive Program, any project (big or small) will be able to get the resources they need to take their projects to the next level and help grow the overall ecosystem. The Fantom Foundation will be using grants protocol to verify projects applying for funding and approve their applications. As an EVM-compatible ecosystem with a strong commitment to community input and transparency in how their grants funding is allocated, Fantom’s needs are naturally aligned with grants protocol’s capabilities.
The program aims to fund new project ideas built on top of the protocol that can drive ecosystem growth; however, the community will be able to decide which areas of opportunity actually get funded.
Once voting begins, Fantom community members can review and vote on projects, and grantees can benefit from quadratic voting and matched funding to raise even more funds for their projects.
Grants protocol is a decentralized and permissionless fundraising protocol built by Gitcoin based on years of experience working with hundreds of grantees and running quadratic funding rounds. It’s designed to help ecosystems and communities of any size allocate funding to projects that are most aligned with the needs of their collective.
Our ambition is to be able to accomplish Gitcoin’s vision on a much larger scale, allowing dozens of funding rounds to be running concurrently at any given time.
While communities can and will continue raising funds through the Gitcoin Grants program, we aim to make the technology and expertise underpinning it available for others to begin raising and allocating funds for their own communities too.
This is a powerful proposition for web3 and beyond, and will help foster growth and development across many different communities around the world.
Fantom grantees can submit their applications to the Fantom Incentive program from November 14th, with voting opening later in December.
To get updates just follow the Fantom Foundation or Gitcoin on Twitter.
Helping communities and contributors get the resources they need to thrive has always been central to our purpose. If your ecosystem is interested in partnering with grants protocol, please get in touch.