The Road to Devcon with Algorand: The Illest Blockchains

The Gitcoin team is setting their sails for Japan: Devcon 5 is only weeks away. To celebrate the Cambrian explosion of events, hackathons, and announcements to come, we’re organizing another hackathon — The Road to Devcon. We’ve crafted another impeccable hacking experience packed full of top tier projects, compelling challenges, and large prizes to unfold over the coming weeks. Make no mistake: the journey is just as important as the destination. Our premier sponsor for The Road…
The Gitcoin team is setting their sails for Japan: Devcon 5 is only weeks away. To celebrate the Cambrian explosion of events, hackathons, and announcements to come, we’re organizing another hackathon — The Road to Devcon. We’ve crafted another impeccable hacking experience packed full of top tier projects, compelling challenges, and large prizes to unfold over the coming weeks. Make no mistake: the journey is just as important as the destination.
Our premier sponsor for The Road to Devconis Algorand, a faster, more efficient blockchain. Algorand uses proof-of-stake to efficiently verify blocks and enable a higher transaction throughput. For every block, a representative verification leader is selected to validate transactions; network participants with more stake in the network have a higher probability to lead. To participate in validation, users verify each block certificate instead of every individual transaction.
Algorand has roots in academic circles at MIT and has an internationally recognized team of researchers, mathematicians, cryptographers, and economists. Their layer one solution is a truly democratic and efficient way to implement a public ledger. Unlike prior implementations based on proof of work, it only needs a small amount of computation to generate a verifiable transaction history. Algorand’s tech is designed to address the single largest hurdle with the adoption of decentralized networks – network speed.
Algorand is joining an intrigue of other game-changing organizations with The Road to Devcon, and we’re anticipating the tremendous work the Gitcoin commune can bring to their bounties to build, experiment, and extend their platform in the coming weeks.
Algorand is inviting hackers to compete for 3 distinct prizes:
- Write A React Component On Algorand – $1000 Bounty
- Create A Material Tracking Application – $2000 Bounty
- Write A Rust SDK On Algorand – $2000 Bounty
Take a look at their guidelines, requirements, and wishes; then, get started here. $5,000 is up for grabs!
Get started now — while the deadline to submit is October 4th at 11:59 pm EST, don’t let time get away from you. October is right around the corner.
How to participate
You can register for The Road to Devcon hackathon here. To get started, join the Discord and find a team. Once you’re in, the Algorand team can assist with any questions that you might have. The Gitcoin team can also assist with any Gitcoin eccentricities you run into.
If you have any questions, reach out to Gitcoin Staff members in Discord. We are happy to help you find your way on The Road.