Gitcoin is a community of thousands of BUIDLers that are looking for projects. Because of the strong community of Ethereum developers looking to build skills, develop relationships, and earn some ETH, it’s never been easier to delegate work in Open Source Software to the crowd. To show you how easy it is, we invite you to follow along and create your own Gitcoin Bounty via this tutorial.

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Published on
August 27, 2022
Our Blog

Tutorial: Post a Bounty in 90 Seconds

Gitcoin is a community of thousands of BUIDLers that are looking for projects. Because of the strong community of Ethereum developers looking to build skills, develop relationships, and earn some ETH, it’s never been easier to delegate work in Open Source Software to the crowd. To show you how easy it is, we invite you to follow along and create your own Gitcoin Bounty via this tutorial.

Gitcoin is a community of thousands of BUIDLers that are looking for projects.

Because of the strong community of Ethereum developers looking to build skills, develop relationships, and earn some ETH, it’s never been easier to delegate work in Open Source Software to the crowd. To show you how easy it is, we invite you to follow along and create your own Gitcoin Bounty via this tutorial.

Prerequisities: The first thing you’ll need is Metamask. Install that in your browser.

Step 1: All bounties on Gitcoin are based upon a Github Issue. Find a Github Issue that you’d like to delegate to the crowd and copy it’s Issue URL.

Step 2: Go to

Step 3:Fill in the form and press “Fund Issue”.

Step 4: Confirm the transaction in Metamask.

Step 5: Wait a short while, and your bounty is posted to Gitcoin! You may now wait for developers across the world to discover your bounty and start working on your issue.

The median issue is started within 4 hours and finished within 6 days. Of course this varies with complexity, size, and skillset, but we think you’ll enjoy the thoughtful, pragmatic community in the Gitcoin network.

Growing your OSS Repo Has Never Been Easier!

Here’s the same tutorial in video form.

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